About Us

What is Cognitive Education?

IACEP is the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology. What is cognitive education, anyway?

Cognitive approach to education offers an alternative understanding of intelligence, based on neuropsychological research about how the brain works. Cognitive education takes advantage of cognitive psychology to develop educational methods based on cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, other cognitive sciences, and mediation principles.

Many of us in the IACEP are dedicated theorists, researchers, and/or practitioners interested in elucidating the factors that can help people of all ages increase their cognitive skills and performance. As an association, we are not aligned with any one particular school of thought regarding how cognitive education should be interpreted. Some of the interrelated concepts members use include cognitive assessment (e.g., “dynamic” or “interactive” assessment), as well as speech and language therapy, psychotherapy, educational psychology, and related approaches and treatment modalities that are based on cognitive and cognitive-behavioral approaches.

We go about our tasks in different ways. Some of us specialize in assessment, others in trainings and interventions, and still others in the theories underlying assessment and cognitive development.  Whatever we do, however, we are all committed to the mission of helping people better face the challenges of the environment through cognitive education that helps people increase their level of mental functioning.

IACEP engages in a variety of activities to further our mission.  These activities include:

  • regular international conferences and regional conferences during in-between years
  • keeping members up to date on events in the field through association newsletters
  • development and maintenance of the IACEP website, at www.coged.org
  • promotion of professional training in cognitive education
  • facilitating the networking of cognitive education and cognitive psychology professionals in science and practice (member directory, forums, interest groups, junior researchers, leadership activities)