June 14, 2010
- Name The name of the association is International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP) also known, for legal purposes, by its charter name International Association for Cognitive Education.
- Purpose
- Advance cognitive education and other cognitive interventions with children, youth and adults.
- Advance the knowledge of and interest in cognitive education persons scientifically or professionally involved in teaching, psychotherapy, research, evaluation, assessment and related fields as well as the general public.
- Provide opportunities to share recent findings in educational research and practice and promote applications of cognitive education to educational settings.
- Provide professional development opportunities to members and other interested persons.
- Establish and disseminate, where needed, newsletters, journals, and other publications.
- Membership
- Categories of membership
- Membership fees are determined by the Executive Committee and payable on an annual basis. Failure to pay dues will result in cancellation of membership.
- All voting members shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of the Association without restriction.
- Hard copy applications for membership will be routed through the Treasurer to the Membership Secretary. Electronic applications will be received concurrently by those two officers.
- Officers and Terms of Office
- The elected officers of the Association shall be President, President-elect, Regional Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary. Each officer shall perform the stated duties (see Section V) of the respective office and specific duties assigned by the Executive Committee.
- The term of office is two years and beginning with the adjournment of each biennial international meeting. Officers shall not be eligible to serve more than two successive terms in the same office.
- The Executive Committee comprises current Officers, the Immediate Past-President, the Regional Vice-Presidents, the two founding members of the Association and, as a non-voting member, the Editor of the Association’s journal. The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the Association. Actions of the Executive Committee that affect Association policy are subject to approval of a two-thirds majority of those general members voting.
- The Executive Committee, chaired by the President, directs and reviews Association affairs. It will be convened twice yearly, in person or with technology that allows discussion. A majority of the eligible members constitutes a quorum. Decisions require a majority vote of the quorum.
- Regional branches, special interest groups or other units may be established or dis-established by the Executive Committee which also oversees the relationships of regional branches with the Association.
- Regional Vice-Presidents are elected by the membership of the Association to represent the Association’s diverse geographic and linguistics regions.
- In the event that the President shall not serve out his or her full term, the President-elect shall succeed to the unexpired term and continue as President through the following term. If the President-elect is unable to succeed to the presidency, the Executive Committee will select a an individual from the Committee who would carry out the duties of the president until the next election.
- The Executive Committee, by majority vote, shall fill any vacancy in an elected, unexpired office except for the office of President-elect. Members so chosen will serve until the vacated office has expired and a successor is duly elected.
- Removal of officers from elected posts for due cause shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee. A two-thirds vote by the Executive Committee is required.
- Duties of the officers
- The President:
- Prepares a two-year plan for the Association in consultation with the President-elect
- Nominates the Parliamentarian and well as Chairs and committee members for the Program and Nominations Committees
- Chairs the Executive Committee meetings and functions
- Serves as ex officio member of all committees
- Recommends changes in standing committees
- Serves as signatory to the Association financial accounts in absence of the Treasurer
- Delivers the presidential address and presides at the International Conference
- Assists regional vice-presidents in development of off-year regional conferences and attends such conferences whenever possible.
- Votes as a member of the Executive Committee
- The President-elect:
- Collaborates with the President in the development of the two-year plan
- Assumes responsibilities of the President in his/her absence
- Serves as an ex officio member of all committees
- Carries out duties as requested by the President
- Votes as a member of the Executive Committee
- The Treasurer:
- Maintains financial records of the Association, consistent with accepted and lawful accounting practices
- Receives monies and makes timely payments
- Consults with the Executive Committee on changes in dues needed to maintain the Association
- Requests budgets, when necessary, from operational components (publications, regions, etc)
- Files annual federal and state tax returns and non-profit corporation reports as required by law
- Prepares two-year budget for early presentation to in-coming Executive Committee
- Submits annual financial report to the Executive Committee and biennial financial report to the members.
- Votes as a member of the Executive Committee
- The Secretary:
- Keeps a written or electronic record of Executive Committee and business meetings
- Distributes minutes of major Executive Committee meetings and general membership meetings to the members via e-mail, electronic newsletters, and/or posting on the Association’s website.
- Receives and records incoming mail to the Association and brings relevant matters to the attention of the Executive Committee
- Prepares responses to correspondence as required
- Coordinates any teleconference or “virtual” (website or other electronic) meetings of the Executive Committee
- Prepares meeting agendas, in consultation with the President
- Votes as a member of the Executive Committee
- The Membership Secretary
- Prepares, in consultation with the President-elect and the Membership Committee, a two-year plan for recruitment and retention of members
- Maintains up-to-date membership records
- Consults with the Treasurer regarding possible changes in dues
- Communicates with the members on pertinent matters
- Insures that the Association Processing System distributes membership renewal notices in a timely fashion
- Attends regional conferences whenever possible
- Votes as a member of the Executive Committee
- Regional Vice-Presidents
- Prepare and present a detailed plan for promotion of the IACEP at the regional level. The plan will be presented at the first meeting of the Executive Committee after the International Conference.
- Plan and stage one or more regional meetings in the year between scheduled International Conferences
- Prepare and submit an outline of regional activities at each meeting of the Executive Committee as well as the biennial business meeting.
- Votes as a member of the Executive Committee
- The President:
Nomination and Election of Officers
- Officers shall be elected by the members of the Association through the use of a preferential ballot.
- The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint, not later than 120 days prior to the biennial International Meeting, a Nominating Committee composed of the Immediate Past-President and two other members of the Association, one of whom will chair the Committee.
- The Nominating Committee shall call for nominations from the voting member not later than 90 days prior to the meeting.
- A slate of nominees shall be submitted to the voting member not later than 60 days prior to the meeting.
- The deadline for receipt of the completed ballots from the voting members shall be no later than 30 days prior to the meeting.
- In the event that two or more nominees receive the same number of votes, the vacancy shall be filled by re-balloting on those nominees having the same number of votes.
- Biennial international meetings shall be held for the transaction of business and presentations regarding research and the advancement of educational practice. Workshops and practica may be offered depending on demand.
- Regional meetings will be organized by the Regional Vice-Presidents with the approval of the Executive Committee. These will typically be scheduled on the off-year of the biennial International Conference. Workshops and practica may be offered depending on demand.
- International and regional meetings may be held cooperatively with other similarly oriented associations or professional groups, providing the arrangement is not financially detrimental to the IACEP.
Financial Policies
- Executive Committee members will donate their services and will not be personally liable for debts incurred by the Association.
- The Association’s fiscal year begins July 1 and ends June 30.
- The Executive Committee may authorize, in writing, any officer or agent of the Association to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. Unless authorized, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contractor or engagement or to pledge its credit or to render it liable monetarily for any purpose in any amount.
- The Treasurer and the President are the only officers who have the authority to write checks, transfer funds or make any form of payment on behalf of the Association.
- A Finance and Budget Committee composed of the President, Treasurer and President-elect may approve expenses of $500 or less that are not included in the current year budget. Expenses greater than $500 must be approved by the Executive Committee. Unbudgeted reimbursement expenses in excess of $500 may be approved by the Finance and Budget Committee.
- The Executive Committee may accept, on behalf of the Association, any contribution, gift, bequest, or device for the charitable or public purposes of the Association.
- If funding is to come from outside sources, rather than annual dues and event fees, such funding must be secured before irrevocable commitments have been made.
Rules of Procedure
- Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the Association’s parliamentary procedures in all cases where they are consistent with the bylaws.
- Amendments to the bylaws may be initiated by the Executive Committee or by petition. Approval of the two-thirds of the members that vote members is required. Periodically, but at intervals of no greater than every five years, the Executive Committee shall appoint a special committee to review the then-current bylaws, the operation and structure of the Association, and make recommendations about them to the Executive Committee.
- Amendments to the IACEP constitution may be proposed by any member in good standing. The proposed amendment/s, accompanied by a rationale for the proposed change, shall be forwarded to the Executive Committee for full consideration. The consideration will involve technology that allows interactive discussion. One month subsequent to the discussion the Executive Committee will vote on the proposed change. Should two-thirds of the Committee support the change the proposal, along with the Executive Committee’s recommendation, will be distributed to the members. Approval of the two-thirds of the members that vote is required for the constitutional change to be enacted.
- Dissolution of the Association may be recommended by the Executive Committee or by petition. Dissolution requires approval of a majority of the total membership.
- Upon dissolution, Association funds that may remain, after payment of all debts, shall be distributed to one or more not-for-profit organizations with goals similar to this one.